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National Flower

Jenny Lynn

Empathetic Healing

My Story

I got lost in an abusive relationship. I was in that abusive marriage for fifteen years.

found the strength to leave for my children, and had to rediscover me, while also helping all of us heal.

The process of recovering, reclaiming and radiating was an incredibly transformative one for myself, and one that I cherish being able to give, in the helping of others, through their journey.

I am now, safe and glowing.

My children are safe, happy and thriving.

I am now happily married.

I am in an incredibly healthy and strong marriage,

one that proudly supports my continued growth and evolution, and one that finally shows my children what a healthy woman, mom and wife looks like. 

My name is Jenny Lynn and I so am thankful that you found me. I am here to help you navigate through, and out of an abusive and toxic relationship/marriage, and rediscover yourself.


I will empower you, to not only survive, but to thrive, and to reclaim your life, and glow into the future. I am devoted to creating a secure and non-judgmental space where we can process anything. I cherish being able to support you through life, relationships, challenges and goals. I cannot wait to get to know you.



Positive Psychology, NCCAP, CMAm CPD, IPHM

Relationship Coach, NCCAP, CMAm CPD, IPHM

Health & Wellness Coach, NCCAP, CMAm CPD, IPHM

Spiritual Coach, NCCAP, CMA, CPD, IPHM

Meditation Coach, NCCAP, CMAm CPD, IPHM

Sitting on Rock

You Feel...

You feel broken, worthless and unlovable.

You feel walked all over.

You make sacrifices constantly, but it is never enough.

When you try to explain, or express yourself,

or resolve things, you end up feeling confused.


You are made to feel crazy.

You are told you are always wrong.

You downplay what is happening to friends and family.

You work so incredibly hard to make everything perfect.

You cling to what you had at the start,

or what you wish was possible.

You are stuck on "the wheel," a drama cycle,

circling around and around.

You have to mitigate the super highs and the crazy lows.

You are depleted from micromanaging everything.

You have lost yourself in the fog of abuse.

You feel isolated and alone. 

You do not see yourself as emotionally or mentally abused.

You are living in survival mode.

You are exhausted from the impossible balancing act.

How do you rebuild a life?



You are not broken, you were not wrong to love and give with all you had, loosing all of you in the process. You are worthy! You are beautiful! and you are ready to recover and revitalize yourself!

Embrace Your Survivor!

Celebrate Your Scars!

Recover from the Trauma!

Recover from the Flight/Fight Stress!

Regain Your Self-Trust!



Break free from the stress, anxiety, trauma, toxic relationships and general negative thinking, and step into your beauty. You are no longer isolated and alone. You are off "The Wheel" and ready to embark on your journey. 

Reclaim Your Interests!

Reclaim Your Passions!

Reclaim Your Health!


Embrace Your Wellness!


Discover Your Peace!



It is time for you to shine!

You have been micro-managing everything for so long, it is time to put the reins down, and allow yourself to radiate your beauty, for all to see.

Embrace Your Freedom!

You Have Built Yourself Back Better!

Enjoy Your Healthy Relationships!

You Are Glowing Happiness!

You Are Radiating Joy!

Therapy Sessions

One to One Sessions

Unlimited Support via email or WhatsApp

Ebooks and Workbooks

Daily Boosts and

Journal Prompts

Meditation Practices

Check out my Ebooks & Workbooks
or Book a Free Session Today

Daniel Elkind

"Jenny is a consummate professional. Super competent, enthusiastic, and a great communicator. I'd work with her again anytime."

Bethany Ashmore

"Thank you so much for everything and being there ❤️ I love our talks and your advice. Thank you 🫶🏻
Thank you for being there for me through this difficult process ❤️. Thank you, you have been so wonderful through this. I really appreciate you being there for me.

Marcus Wolfe

"Jenny Lyn is exceptional in her line of work. She is ready to cater to your need. Hire her."

David Barajas

"Thank you, Jenny. Thank you for your time. Thank you for listening because you're not a part of my support system. You actually are THE support system.
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