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Our Services



I do not offer therapy or any mental health services whatsoever. Life coachingservices are not to be used as a substitute for working with a mental health professional


*Please note: I am not a therapist. I provide life coaching and not any type of therapy or mental health services. I cannot and do not diagnose anyone with a personality disorder. I do not treat clients. I do not accept insurance and will not provide any statements for coaching services to be submitted for insurance re-imbursement. I cannot affirm that a client has in fact endured any type of abuse. I help clients transform themselves after a toxic relationship, I do not assist clients with domestic violence matters. I do not under any circumstances write letters to be used in court proceedings. Life coaching and consulting services are provided to assist clients work on bettering themselves and working through their own setbacks and negative patterns after breakups or a divorce. I help you work on yourself and achieve your goals. No certificates of abuse are provided for my services. I reserve the right to deny services without providing prior notice for any reason. I reserve the right to turn away clients who I do not feel are a good match for my coaching services.


As with any consulting and life coaching services, results will always vary and will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, commitment, level of motivation, diligence in applying the information provided, and other factors. I am not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own decisions. The evaluation and use of information provided during coaching services should be based on your own due diligence. I am not responsible for your actions. You agree I am not liable to you in anyway, for your results in services. Please see my full disclaimer for full terms of use and restrictions.


Terms of service & other important information:


By booking an appointment you are agreeing to the following:


Communication and availability:While I will always make it a priority to be available to our regular clients, when something happens in-between appointments, I are a real person with multiple clients, families, and other obligations. If you are a regular client and you're having a rough time, I welcome you to reach out to me via Email or direct message and I will get back to you within 24 hours. Written communications should only be used within reason and cannot replace the feedback I am able to give during a session. If this is an emergency, please contact the relevant authorities in your area and seek in-person assistance. I cannot provide you with any assistance in an emergency situation. In using my services, you understand and agree that while you may contact me via written communication 24/7, you will receive a written response within 24 hours and not immediately.


Disclaimer: As with any consulting and life coaching services, results will always vary and will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, commitment, level of motivation, diligence in applying the information provided, and other factors. I make no guarantees of any results. I am not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own decisions. The evaluation and use of information provided during coaching services should be based on your own due diligence. I am not responsible for your actions. You agree I am not liable to you in any way for your results in services.


Technical:Technical issues are sometimes inevitable. After a reasonable attempt to fix any connection issues via FaceTime or Zoom, I fully reserve the right to continue the session via phone or landline. First-time clients must complete payment within one-hour of booking an appointment. Current clients must complete payment any time prior to each appointment. Due to the nature of services, I will under no circumstances provide refunds. If a client is unable to attend a regularly scheduled appointment, I will be happy to reschedule the appointment for another day/time in the same week. No- show appointments will not be refunded. I reserve the right to terminate my professional relationship with clients who engage in a pattern of rescheduling or canceling appointments with little to no-notice.


Scheduling:I only schedule individual appointments one week in advance. After an initial appointment, a client has the option to set up weekly sessions at the same day/time every week (subject to availability) Weekly sessions must be booked within 7 days of an initial appointment and commence within 7 days. I will not schedule weekly sessions more than a week in advance under any circumstances.


Recording:Any recording of sessions is strictly prohibited under any circumstances.


Notes:It is the sole responsibility of each client to take notes at each session. No summaries, outlines or recaps will be provided or transmitted electronically whatsoever.


Invoices:Modification to invoices in any way is strictly prohibited. Invoices must reflect the services being provided and the date of services being provided. Invoices that are modified in any way will immediately be canceled, and all future services will be terminated effective immediately.


Weekly discounted rates: For clients who book a weekly session at the same day and time every week, I offer a reduced rate. If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, I kindly request that you provide me with 24 hours' notice if possible. You will continue to receive the reduced rate as long as you reschedule your appointment for another day or time in the same week, subject to availability. However, if you cancel a session without rescheduling for another day or time that week, the following appointment will not be eligible for the discounted weekly rate. Instead, the invoice will reflect the full rate. Once you resume weekly sessions, your discounted rate will resume as well.


Availability of appointments: Please note that the availability of sessions in the past does not necessarily indicate or guarantee availability for future sessions. Several factors determine availability, including the current schedule of clients who have already booked sessions and your time zone.


Pricing: My pricing is subject to change, and I reserve the right to modify my rates at any time. Such changes may be made to reflect inflation or other market conditions.


No-show clients: Clients who do not attend their appointment without prior notice of at least 24 hours are responsible for the full payment of that session.


Discontinuance of services: You are in control of your coaching experience, and you can discontinue your sessions at any time. Simply let me know, and you will be taken off the schedule with no questions asked.


I retain the discretion to reject clients who seek to use my services beyond the scope of a life coach's work or who I believe are not suitable for my services.


Difference in coaching frequency: My coaching services provide clients with the option to schedule calls on an as-needed basis or to have weekly coaching sessions at a fixed day and time. It is important to note that while as-needed coaching sessions offer flexibility, they are not intended to replace the benefits of consistent coaching. Rather, they are a suitable choice for individuals seeking short-term guidance for a specific goal or requiring additional tools and strategies.


Scope of services: My services are focused on facilitating personal development by equipping clients with the necessary tools, guidance, and strategies to transform themselves and achieve their objectives. My scope of work is limited to these areas.


Through your use of my services, you acknowledge that a life coach is not a licensed mental health professional and that life coaching should not be used as a substitute for mental health services provided by a licensed professional.

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